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  1. Unit 8, Go for it

  2. [10-10 23:11:39]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语说课稿   阅读:8965

概要:2. Show another two pictures. Help Ss to descn'be and compare the twins.Ⅳ。 Listening practice :1. Listen and number the pictures [1-3]. Check the answers.2. Listen and find out the two girls' names. Put them on the picture.3. Listen and repeat, then role play the conversations.Ⅴ。 Pairwork :1. Two Ss read the model conversation.2. The teacher makes one or two conversations with Ss.3. Ss work in pairs. The teacher moves around the classroom and helps them if S

Unit 8, Go for it,标签:说课稿,http://www.85jc.com

2. Show another two pictures. Help Ss to descn'be and compare the twins.

Ⅳ。 Listening practice :

1. Listen and number the pictures [1-3]. Check the answers.

2. Listen and find out the two girls' names. Put them on the picture.

3. Listen and repeat, then role play the conversations.

Ⅴ。 Pairwork :

1. Two Ss read the model conversation.

2. The teacher makes one or two conversations with Ss.

3. Ss work in pairs. The teacher moves around the classroom and helps them if Ss need.

4. Some pairs of Ss act out in front of the Bb.

Ⅵ。 Conclusion :

1. Divide the class in groups of four. Ss look at the picture on P31 and discuss the three pairs of twins. Write something about them.

2. Share the answers.

Writing on the blackboard :

Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sister



Tal wild bigger

thin short hair thinner

long hair heavy heavier

calm short funnier




bsp; Tom has shorter hair than Sam.

=Sam has longer hair than Tom.

Tom is calmer than Sam.

=Sam is wilder than Tom.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3



The twins

说课稿(Unit 6,Go for it!)

新开镇一中 陈栋芳


本单元的中心话题是谈论个性特征(talk about personal traits)和比较他人(compare people)。这是一个非常符合八年级学生心理特点的话题。在这节课中,同学们第一次接触形容词的比较级(the comparative degree of adjectives),并运用这些词进行听、说、读、演、写等各项练习,教材对相关对话的设计及听力语言材料的选编无不紧扣比较(comparison)这个中心。


温故而知新。热身环节(Warming-up activity)根据学生对老师的情况很好奇的心理特点,设计了师生之间互问问题从而达到增进了解的目的,并且做到师生平等,形成和谐的课堂气氛,让学生敢说、愿说。作为“热身”的另外一部分,一个同学间互作自我介绍的游戏,激发了学生的兴趣和热情。同时,通过听、看、说的充分练习,复习了身高、体形、长相等方面的单词,为下一步描述图画作铺垫。


口语部分(Oral practice)是为了进一步巩固刚学习的形容词比较级。通过有趣的三对双胞胎对比,让比较级在情景中得到合理有效地运用。并在不经意中将书上对话自然地呈现出来,作为口语练习的例子。学生从模仿到创造的这种口语训练,为下面的听力打下坚实的基础。

听力部分(Listening practice)做到循序渐进,先听顺序,再听名字,最后听意思。此部分不再是听简单的单词发音,更重要的是听有意义的对话。学生通过看图、听音、跟读、分角色朗读形成语感。




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