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  1. 高中英语语法 动词短语小结

  2. [09-24 14:37:54]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  高考英语复习方法   阅读:8998

概要:英语语法 动词短语教案GiveVt.1-给,后接双宾Please give it to Mary.2-给与,赠与3-产生,供给4-花去,付出5-引起,带来6-致力于,献出7-出声,做什么动作8-举行The sun gives light heat.太阳发出光和热.I gave 60yuan for my new watch.我花了六十元买了这块新表.He gave all his life to the cause of peace.他终身献身于和平事业.Give a party(talk,concert)举行一次晚会(报告会,音乐会)Give lessons 上课give sb.a ride让某人搭便车Give up v+adv=vt./vi.放弃Give out==Give away==Hand out v+adv=vt./vi.分发Give in == hand in 上交Give away 送掉;放弃You’ve given away a good chance to the match. Give bac

高中英语语法 动词短语小结,标签:英语复习方法,高中英语学习方法,http://www.85jc.com

英语语法 动词短语教案
Please give it to Mary.
The sun gives light heat.太阳发出光和热.
I gave 60yuan for my new watch.我花了六十元买了这块新表.
He gave all his life to the cause of peace.他终身献身于和平事业.
Give a party(talk,concert)举行一次晚会(报告会,音乐会)
Give lessons 上课give sb.a ride让某人搭便车
Give up v+adv=vt./vi.放弃
Give out==Give away==Hand out v+adv=vt./vi.分发
Give in == hand in 上交
Give away 送掉;放弃
You’ve given away a good chance to the match.
Give back v+adv=vt. 送回;
Give in 屈服,让步
Liuhulan would rather die than give in.刘胡兰宁死不屈。
Set n.1--接收机;装置; 2--一套,一副,一组
Vt.=place,put 放,搁;调整 ,校正 Vi (日月等) 落
Set up v+adv==vt. 建立;创立;竖立
Set about doing==Set out to do v+adv=vt. 开始着手做某事
Set off==set out 出发,动身
Vt.1-打发;派遣 2-送,寄(让人送到,不是亲自送去)
If you need money, I’ll send so没e.
who sent you to me?谁把你派到我这里来的?
vi.寄信,送人 send for a book 派人去取书
she sent to tell us the news.她写信告诉我们这一消息.
Send for v+prep=vt.派人去请(取)
Send away v+adv=vt. 撵走;开除;解雇
Send up v+adv=vt.发射;发出;把…送上去
Send out 发出(光热气),长出叶子等;发送,派遣

1-c 旋转 2-c转向 make a sharp turn to the right 向右急转弯
3-c转弯处,转角 at a turn in the river 在河流转弯处
4-c变化,转机,转折 You will have a new turn in life.你的生活将出现新的转机。
5-C 转班,轮流 Whose turn is it next? 下一个该轮到谁了?
It’s my turn to speak. 轮到我说了。
6- 行为,才能
VT. 1-转动 She was turning the hands of the clock.她正在转动时钟的指针。
2- 使。。。转向 He turned his car left. 他把车转向左边。
3-翻转,翻书 The wind turned the car upside down. 风把小汽车吹翻了。
Please turn the page over. 请翻过一页。
vi. 1-旋转,转动 2-转向,转变 3-路弯,(人)回头
Turn righ at the second crossing.在第二个十字路口向右转。
The food has turned bad.食品已变坏了。
Turn on v+adv=vt.接通电路,(扭水龙头)打开
Turn off v+adv=vt.停掉,关掉
Turn down v+adv=vt.折回,关小,拒绝
Turn up v+adv=vi.(扭转龙头,开关等)使变大,把。。。开大,拧大;
Turn into v+adv=vt. 变成,使成为
Turn over v+adv=vt.翻覆,翻页,仔细考虑
Turn to v+prep=vt.求助于,查阅,翻到,着手工作
Turn out v+adv=vi 1-产生。。。的结果 2-结果弄清楚 3-外出
Everything turns out well. 一切顺利。
It turned out that ten traverllers had been killed. 后来证实(查明)有十位旅客丧生。
v+adv=vt.1-关(熄灭)煤气/电灯/油灯等 ;2-生产,出产;3解雇 4 倒出 5 打扮
The factory can turn out 1000 cars a day. 这家工厂一天能生产1000辆。
Turn away 把脸转过去,不理睬,辞退
Turn about v+adv=vt.回头,回旋
Turn against v+prep=vt.使反对
Turn around v+prep=vt.1=turn about 2-旋转,完全改变
Turn back 折回,把。。。赶回

I got a letter this morning.今天早晨我收到一封信。
Get me a ticket,please!== Get a ticket for me,please!请给我弄张票!
3-请,叫,说服 get sb. to do sth.
I will get a friend to help you. 我将叫一个朋友来帮你的忙。
4-弄得;使得某事完成 过去分词做宾补
He got his watch repaired.他让人修好了他的手表。
I must get the work done today.今天我必须把这项工作完成。
Get everything ready!把一切准备好!

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