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  1. 人教版高一必修一英语教案

  2. [11-20 00:16:21]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语说课稿   阅读:8788

概要: 【小编寄语】www.85jc.com英语网小编给大家整理了人教版高一必修一英语教案,希望能给大家带来帮助!一、 知识点拨:1. Add up your score and see how many points you get.合计一下你的得分,看看你得多少分。【句法分析】本句是一个由and连接的并列祈使句,在 第二个祈使句中how many引导宾语从句,作see的宾语。9. add v.① 增加,增添【搭配】add up to共计;总计为;结果是add... up把 加起来add A to B/add A and B在B中加入A/把A和B加起来add to( = increase)(数量、规模)增加,增添Will you more sugar your coffee?你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?If we add these marks up, we’ll get a total of 90.如果我们把这些分数加起来, 总分就有90分了。The snow storm added to our difficulties




  一、 知识点拨:

  1. Add up your score and see how many points you get.


  【句法分析】本句是一个由and连接的并列祈使句,在 第二个祈使句中how many引导宾语从句,作see的宾语。

  9. add v.

  ① 增加,增添


  add up to共计;总计为;结果是

  add... up把 加起来

  add A to B/add A and B在B中加入A/把A和B加起来

  add to( = increase)(数量、规模)增加,增添

  Will you more sugar your coffee?


  If we add these marks up, we’ll get a total of 90.

  如果我们把这些分数加起来, 总分就有90分了。

  The snow storm added to our difficulties.

  暴风雪 增加了我们的困难。

  ②补充说; 继续说(其后常接that从句或用于直接引 语中)

  “ And don’t be late ’she added.


  2. Your friend comes to school very upset.你的 朋友来上学时心烦意乱。

  10. upset adj. & vt.


  【搭配】 be upset about/over sth.为某事烦心,

  be upset that…心烦

  He was horribly upset over her illness.


  ② vt 使……不安;扰乱;推翻

  【搭配 It upsets sb. that…让某人心烦的是

  it upsets sb. to do sth.做某事使某人不愉快。

  It_ that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.


  It _________ think of her all alone in that big house.


  a. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.你将不理踩铃


  Calm: 镇静的,沉着的

  Her voice was surprisingl y calm.


  【搭配】keep/remain calm保持平静

  【拓展】calmly adv.安静地,平静地;冷静地 calmness n.安静;冷静;沉着

  【辨析】calm, quiet,still 与 silent

  词语 词义 例旬

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  calm “平静的,沉着的”,指无风浪或 人的心情不激动。 You should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面对危 险, 你也应当保持镇静。


  quiet “宁静的,安静的”指没有声音、不吵闹或心里 没有烦恼、忧虑。 His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad.在国外度过一个宁静的假期后,他的健康状况有所好转。


  still “静止的,不动的”,指没有 运动 或动作的状态。 The room was still at the end of the speech,演讲结束的时候,房间里寂静无声。


  silent “寂静的,沉默的,不出声音的”指没有声音或不讲话。 He was silent for a moment, then began his answer.他沉默 了一会儿,然后开始回答。

  【巧学活用】When facing danger, one should keep________.

  when taken photos of, one should keep ________ ;when someone else is asleep, one should keep quiet; when in class, one shouldn’t keep _______about the teacher's questions.

  面对危险时,应该保持镇静; 照相时,要保持不动;当其 他人睡觉时,应保持安静;在课堂上时,对老师的问题不应保持沉默.,

  b. You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then.你会告诉你的朋友你 很关心他或她,并且下课后你们再见面谈谈。

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