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  1. 看病

  2. [11-20 00:46:37]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语游戏   阅读:8173

概要: 全班分成若干个小组,游戏在两个组之间进行,甲组的同学轮流担任“医生”,乙组的同学排成一队作病员。游戏开始后,“病员”上前看病, 和医生进行下面的对话:P (病员): Good morning, Doctor.D (医生): Good morning. What's your trouble?P: I've got a bad headache. (还可说 a cough, a fever, a temperature, a sore throat, a cold)D: How long haveyou been like this?P: Ever since last night. (还可说 Ever since this morning, For two days等)D: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”.P: Aahh!D: Don't worry. Maybe



  全班分成若干个小组,游戏在两个组之间进行,甲组的同学轮流担任“医生”,乙组的同学排成一队作病员。游戏开始后,“病员”上前看病, 和医生进行下面的对话:

  P (病员): Good morning, Doctor.

  D (医生): Good morning. What's your trouble?

  P: I've got a bad headache. (还可说 a cough, a fever, a temperature, a sore throat, a cold)

  D: How long have

  you been like this?

  P: Ever since last night. (还可说 Ever since this morning, For two days等)

  D: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say “Ah”.

  P: Aahh!

  D: Don't worry. Maybe you have caught a bit of cold. (还可以说 got a fever, got a temperature)

  P: What shall I do?

  D: Take this medicine, and you'll be all right soon. (还可以说 have a good rest, lie in bed, drink more water等)

  P: Thank you, Doctor. Good-bye.

  D: Bye-bye.


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