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  1. 英语绕口令C

  2. [11-16 03:43:23]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语绕口令   阅读:8441

概要:Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?Cedar shingles should be shaved and saved.Cheap ship trip.Cheryl's chilly cheap chip shop sells Cheryl's cheap chips.Chop shops stock chops.Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.


Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?

Cedar shingles should be shaved and saved.

Cheap ship trip.

Cheryl's chilly cheap chip shop sells Cheryl's cheap chips.

Chop shops stock chops.

Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.

Tag:英语绕口令英语绕口令大全英语学习 - 趣味英语 - 英语绕口令

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