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  1. 2009年12月英语四级考试答案A卷完整版

  • 下载名称:2009年12月英语四级考试答案A卷完整版
  • 下载类型:英语四级真题
  • 下载方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:10-16 16:25:42
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  • 下载次数:6176
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:192 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级



Creating a green campus

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously, a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days, since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society.

The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with, the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable. Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste. What’s more, we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life.

It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution, and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Certainly, there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.


PART TWO  Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1. B) revising their financial aid policies
2. D) It cut its merit-based aid to help the needy students.
3. C) attract good students
4. D¬¬) it’s not right to give aid to those who can afford the tuition
5. B) fierce competition among institutions
6. A) They would like to see it reduced
7. C) Many students from middle-income families have come to rely on it.
8. qualified
9. recognizes
10. portfolios


PART THREE   Listening Comprehension

Short Conversations
11.    A    Get some small change
12.    B    Buying a gift for a child.
13.    A    Taking photographs.
14.    B    He can provide little useful information.
15.    D    He knows his own limitations.
16.    C    Her gym exercise yield good results.
17.    D    The professor’s suggestion is constructive.
18.    A    Indifferent.
Long Conversations
19.    C    He has to work during the day.
20.    B    Learn data processing.
21.    C    Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.
22.    A    What to bring for registration.
23.    D    A financial trader.
24.    B    He considers cooking creative.
25.    D    It can be a good thing.
26.    C    Life was not possible in outer space.
27.    C    It has a large ocean under its surface.
28.    A    Light is not an essential element to it.
29.    B    What Dr. Meyer’s instructions exactly were.
30.    D    She asks them to repeat what they are supposed to do.
31.    A    It lacks the stability of the printed word.
32.    C    Challenging work.
33.    A    Many tedious jobs continue to be done manually.
34.    D    Give them responsibilities as a part of a team.
35.    B    They concern a small number of people only.
Compound Dictation
36.    classified
37.    background
38.    album
39.    appreciation
40.    context
41.    implies
42.    image
43.    instrument
44.    Descriptive writing in the humanities, particularly in literature, is often mixed with critical writing.
45.    It tells the reader how to do something. For example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film.
46.    Authors may actually use more than one type of technique in a given piece of informational writing.


PART FOUR   Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

47. K   recruited      
48. J   recording
49. L   total          
50. C  aspects
51. B  analyzed        
52. H  quality
53. N  unsure         
54. G  established
55. A  already         
56. E  contributing 

57C: She will present to the world a new image of African-American women
58 B :They are of an inferior social group
59D: What Michelle should do as wife and mother in the White House
60 C: However hard she tries, she cannot expect to please everybody.
61 A: Help change the prevailing view about black women.
62 A: institutions worldwide are hiring administrators from the U.S.
63 B : Their ability to raise funds.
64D: Most of their revenues come from government
65 A: She was known to be good at raising money
66 C: They will view a lot of things from a new perspective.



67. D  depends
68. D  adequate
69. A  currently
70. C  challenges
71. B  retirement 
72. A  over
73. B  Learning
74. D  on
75. C  needs
76. D  portion
77. A  When
78. A  neighbors
79. B  ever
80. C  In particular
81. C  adjust
82. D  to
83. B  unpredictable
84. C  available
85. A  sense
86. D  roles


PART SIX   Translation

87. You would not have failed if_you had followed my instructions(按照我的指令去做)

88. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never__gave up pursuing knowlege_(放弃对知识的追求)

89. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before we find the methods of curing cancers(我们找到治愈癌症的方法)

90. Production has to be increased considerably to keep pace with the constantly increasing demands of consumers. (与消费者不断增长的需求保持同步)

91. The more exercise you take, the fewer chances you will have of catching a cold.(你越不大可能感冒)

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