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  1. 高考英语听力真题精讲:巧妙推断言外之意

  2. [08-24 19:05:29]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  高考英语复习方法   阅读:8820

概要:■题型介绍上海市考试院这样评价上海市高考听力题:听力注重考查获取口头信息的能力。听力测试不仅要求听懂和获取各种交际语境中的事实信息,还要求根据事实信息推断说话人想要表达的隐含意思。高考听力理解题测试目标归纳起来有三个方面:事实信息(具体细节)、隐含意义和主旨大意(中心思想)。事实信息题的表现形式为:What does theman want?Who was at the door?When will the meeting beheld?All of the following are trueexcept____________。According to the passage,who/what/which/when/where/how often…?According to the passage,which of the following is true?According to the passage,which of the following is not true?According to the






  What does theman want?

  Who was at the door?

  When will the meeting beheld?

  All of the following are trueexcept____________。

  According to the passage,who/what/which/when/where/how often


  According to the passage,which of the following is true?

  According to the passage,which of the following is not true?

  According to the passage,which of the following is notmen-tioned?



  What does the womanmean?

  What does the man implyabout…?

  It can be inferred from thetext that…

  From the textwe know that…

  What can be inferred aboutthe two speakers?

  The story implies that…

  The paragraph following thepassage willmost probably be…

  Itmay be concluded from thepassage that…

  What’s the possible relation-ship between the two speakers?



  What is the passage mainlyabout?

  The main idea of the passageis…

  What did the storymainly tellus?

  The passage ismainly about…

  What does the reportmainlytell us about…?

  What does the first surveymainly tell us?

  The best title for the passagewould/might be…

  Which of the following state-ments best expresses themain ideaof the passage?




每个大题开始的时候,都有一段Directions,录音里面的朗读者读这一段directions一般需要30秒钟,因为我们平时对这种题型已经很熟,所以,在听这段录音时,我们就可以浏览题目了,一般来说,在30秒内我们可以把PartA ShortConversations的10个题目的选项浏览一遍,并重点浏览第一题;在每段对话结束后到下一段对话开始前,有10秒钟的间隔,利用这 10秒钟时间,浏览下一题的四个选项,根据选项的信息,预测听力材料可能的内容。如:

  1)A.OnMarch 2.B.OnMarch 3.

  C.OnMarch 5. D.OnMarch 8.

  2)A.At a cinema.B.At an airport.C.At a railway station.D.At a stadium。

  3)A. By bus. B. By under-ground. C.On foot. D.By bicycle。

  4)A.Go to themovies.B.See a doctor. C. Get some fruit.D. Stay at home。

  5)A.Car seller. B. Police offi-cer. C.Detective. D.Reporter。

  从上面的选项中我们可以预测:第一题与日期有关,可能要你算一下日期;第二题与场所有关,可能会问你对话发生在哪里?或与场所有关的问题;第三题与交通方式有关,可能会问你如何去上班去上学,利用什么交通工具?第四题与做什么事有关,可能会问你将要做什么事?第五题与职业有关,可能会问你有关职业的问题。Short conversations的内容可以预测,


  1)A.Ten years B.Fifteen yearsC.Twenty yearsD.A hundred years

  2)A.Their lives are too short

  B.Their lives are too long。

  C. They changed to a bambooeating diet. D. They can’t get e-nough nutrient from bamboo。

  3) A. The speaker thinks pan-das will die out anyway. B. Thespeaker thinks pandas can be saved。

  C. The speaker is being infor-mative. D. The speaker is worried。

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